
-DYNAMIXEL XW430 exclusive frames

-Can be affixed to the top and bottom sides of the DYNAMIXEL

Package Components

Product Name

QuantityProduct Description
FRX430-S105K1XW430 exclusive side frames

Flat Head Wrench Bolt WB


6                          Bolt for side frames

Wrench Bolt WB M2x5

6Bolt for hinge frames (for horns)

Wrench Bolt WB M2.5x4

10Bolt for frames (for DYNAMIXEL side taps)
Compatible Products

XW430 Waterproof Model

H/W Specifications

This image shows an example of how to assemble the optional frame on XW430.


-Not compatible with other DYNAMIXEL series such as AX/MX, XM/XH430, and XM/XH540